Braddock Ice Cream Days supported by this year’s Pittsburgh Party for a Purpose.
In 2008, Braddock Redux began implementing ice cream truck days. It had
been decades since an ice cream man, or almost any food delivery person
would set foot in Braddock for fear of the town and it’s people. It is so unfortunate
that on top of all the hardships faced by these youth, that they have
not been able to enjoy the simple pleasure of an ice cream truck. It is not just
the food itself that makes the difference, that makes these days so loved by
our youth- but the support and care that the food engenders, as well as the
community that is created when people take a break to collect and reflect
around food. Adults engage in food rituals all the time, they put people at
ease, are embedded into our culture, and yet many of these youth do not
have after school snacks to go home to. Braddock Redux’s Ice Cream Truck
days are morale boosters.
“We stop and talk a little, we are a little bit of an ear to the community…we
want to treat people with dignity and respect.”
“When we came to Braddock, we fell in love with the community, we wanted
to do something reminiscent of our own childhood, with reasonable prices
and a definite need to provide joy.”
Jim Broker
Braddock’s ice cream man and woman are Jim and Cindi Broker. You’d be
pressed to find a more benevolent and generous couple in any business.
When Jim first bought his ice cream truck 3 years ago to supplement his
high school teaching, a friend told him “if you get into for the money, you’re
going to be miserable” and him and Cindi approach their business in just
this way. The couple is a consistent, friendly, and very welcomed presence
at every important community event which Braddock Redux invites them.
Through Braddock Redux’s sponsorship, Jim and Cindi have distributed
free ice cream to residents during our BYP Summer youth program events,
Braddock’s stop the violence march, Braddock’s halloween party, Braddock’s
light up night, the Braddock vs. Rankin community basketball game,
Braddock youth football games, the Braddock health awareness event, and
the list goes on. It is though such consistent positive presences that communities
are built, and there are few things that initiate togetherness like a
breaking for dessert. Please help us to continue this program, as it would not
exist without donor support.