Braddock Redux » About » Mission

To mobilize teens, young adults, and like-minded people of all ages from both within and outside the community for the purpose of the overall betterment of the Braddock area through training opportunities, art initiatives, green initiatives, employment opportunities, the creative re-use of existing structures, and through the flexibility to respond to other opportunities that arise.

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One Comment (Leave a Reply)

  1. Raeanne (March 20, 2011)

    I was just in Braddock over the weekend with the Slippery Rock University AmeriCorps team. Our weekend was a challenge, although we were doing small tasks within the community. I helped clean out the bowling alley in the library and it just made me think of how beautiful this place was going to be when we were done with it. I don’t want to stop helping I want to stay in Braddock, live and work here someday. It gives me hope that there are good people out there in the world and that change really can be made in struggling communities. My experience planted a seed in me that will never stop growing, and I will never stop hoping for Braddock.